Well, hey! Todays post is pretty much what the headline suggests... Celebrities, Celebrities, Celebrities! We are like obsessed over these people who live on the other end of the world... I mean we pick up a magazine and go...
"Oh my god! She is so pretty! I think I want to get her hair cut!"
"I want those shoes... Am going to go to town tomorrow and bargain hunt!"
"I wish I was rich, famous and fabulous like Paris Hilton!"
I mean who doesn't dream about being rich, famous and fabulous... Come on... Even I do... Give me a show of hands. How many of you do day dream on in a while of living the Hollywood Life? See... that's practically all of you... I mean there is nothing wrong with it but have you ever stopped to realise how much time we waste of our life's living anther's?
Like where have you heard that before huh....
I mean this situation is like a disease... You know like how we cannot get enough of them. But you know what.... If they put themselves out there than why can't we fondle all over them right..... like for instance......
Would you take pictures of yourself walking and upload it on your Friendster, My Space, Facebook, Blogs or even your Multiplys??? Do you think people would be interested in seeing you walk??? Like obviously NOT right... In that case.... explain this....
So why on earth do we find this so exciting? She is just walking isn't she?Well... Now I bet some of you are going...
"I like her top!"
"I like her shoes!"
Well... Its just the way things are la... The world is pretty much wrapped up around their life's...
Now lets see.... Do you guys know who the hell she is???
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No idea??? Some of you know her right... But I bet all of you know her dad!!! She is Ivanka Trump.
Donald Trump. And his young wife. But this is of course not Ivanka's mother. Obviously not. They are almost the same age. If you are wondering how on earth and old wrinkly guy can get a young hot model??? Money has its way in Hollywood for sure.
Trump and his Ladies...
See, We don't even know who his daughter was or what the hell she does. But because her dad is famous and filthy rich she instantly becomes a celebrity herself. Weird huh. But one things for sure. In Hollywood, no matter how ugly your parents are, the kids turn out HOT! I am guessing its some kind of plastic surgery milk they drink from infancy!
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Now i have no idea why, but I have a big problem with this next issue! She made my previous post and she is here again!!!!!!!
I am just terrified about her pregnancy! I mean the woman doesn't know a fork from a spoon and she is going to become a mother. How is this even legal! They should make a new law. Women with an IQ level of a rat are not allowed to have children. Well since I have this UN-healthy obsession with her pregnancy, I suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the development of her tummy....
So here we have Nicole Richie hand in hand with the baby's daddy. She went on a vacation to rest and relax. Rest and relax from what right? Not like she was busy with anything.
Now here we have her lying down and relaxing... Now notice her tummy... She doesn't really look pregnant to me... she looks more like she had 3 Big Mac meals... Don't you think....
Notice the weird shape. Like there is a sudden dent in her tummy. For some reason it looks like a beer belly. Well I'll leave you guys to figure for yourselves.
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I am beginning to use that a lot... Moving along.... I think that phrase just helps eliminate all thoughts in your mind to make way for the next set of information you may need to absorb...
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Well, since her infamous nude and provocative pictures made its way to every teenage boy's computer, Vanessa Hudgens has been getting stalked by the paparazzi like she is the queen of the world.... Well, since this post is about mindless celebrity gossip.... here goes....
Most of you guys obviously know that Vanessa Hudgens is actually a mix breed of White and Filipino right.... but what does she look like???? Wait and see....
Here we have Vanessa leaving after a therapy session.... Well after what she has been through I think she really needs some mental comforting....
Taadaaaaa! Her mother...... Well I mean how could something so wrong turn out so right. There must be some strong genes on her fathers side huh....
Yup... so now you know something new! Hopefully we don't have another Britney in the making.
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Yeah right.... Its one of her scenes for her new movie.... :) BAHHHH!!!!
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Well now i think we have had enough of celebrity gossips for one post la... But we can do so much more with celebrity pictures....
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.::!!!THIS OR THAT?!!!::.
I think she looks too "girl next door-ish" as a blond but hot none the less. And I think she looks really sexy and mysterious as a brunette...
So, I she looks better as a..... BRUNETTE
* * * * * TYRA BANKS RED HEAD OR BRUNETTE I mean... Tyra is gorgeous no matter what... So yeah... the red hair is spunky and sophisticated at the same time and the brunette mane, has this edgy and sexy feel to it...
Well I always think that the hair makes the woman so...
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The brunette just didn't work for me la... it just not her.... She is too much a bubbly blond to be a brunette... with that said....
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We all know her as the rocker-ish, punk-ish kind of girl right... and blond doesn't quite go with that...
Ashlee is so not a blond and is totally black!!!
Despite being identical(hot) twins... these girls have completely different personalities. And thats a good thing... I like them looking different and I think their hair styles and colour fit their individuality perfectly!
* * BUT! * *
I think Ashley with a little more blond and Mary Kate with as a slight red head works even BETTER!!!!
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I am done here... will be back soon.... muah...
Posted by tornredqueen at 6:39 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
We have been like facing so many natural disasters recently that its SCARY! I mean what if we kenna?? (for idiots kenna=get/hit/etc) I mean we'd like die! And the recent tremors..... Dishk! And my campus is sooo new....... Imagine this.....
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And a Tsunami Hits us.....
(images are copyrights and belong to me)
Yup... I did the image!!! Action seh!
Posted by tornredqueen at 8:13 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Have you ever felt like Life and its events has drained you Drained you of every possibility of happiness Drained you of your hope Ever?
Looked up into the clouds and thought Whether or not your God exists Whether your faith is dying Ever?
Felt alone when you cry yourself to sleep And wished you could have a hug Someone who would listen Someone who would hold you, heal you Ever?
Known that one person Who made you weak, made you kneel Brought you down and left you there Brought you to a place you don't understand Ever?
Made that one decision that changed your life That challenged everything you stand for Regretted your words your voice spoke Regretted the words you ignored Ever?
Thought you don't belong Close your eyes And breathe Who do you see? A figure standing under a burning tree Her shelter slowly breaking But, she knows she will survive
You know you can survive When you are down and low Pat your back Cry your eyes out And stand up
Its ok to be scared Its ok The fear of falling again captures you Its ok
Try. Think. Live.
Try again and again
If you can't stand, think of those less fortunate than you
You'll see that you are blessed, Live the life you were meant to.
Posted by tornredqueen at 10:19 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
14th September 2007, Friday.
Geez, its almost been a month since I blogged and its like so dishk! I mean with school and everything, I hardly have time for anything.... School has been really really hectic. Well i guess you all know what I must be talking about right! And to me the only way of getting rid of the stress is either, Bitching randomly or Retail Therapy... Both work equally as great as the other.... Since Retail Therapy is out of the question... I am gonna do some major bitching today.... Muhahahhahahahhaa!!!!
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Lets start things off with......
I am sure many of you guys would have heard about the recent performance by Britney during the 2007 VMAs....Well what you heard or read is exactly how dreadful her performance was. Ok I mean lets minus off the fat part... She gave birth to two kids so yeah.... Weight gain is part of pregnancy so I'll cut her some slack there... Well apart from that... Her outfit, hair, dancing and lip sinking all score a Honorable "F" in my books...
I mean her outfit, What Outfit?
She was dragging herself around the stage in a Bra and a T-back! Well lets not forget her fish net stockings and leather boots... Can I hear an accumulative "SLUT"! please.... Being sexy is one thing... But trying too hard is a totally, far, out reaching different thing!
Next.... Her hair.... Or more like her wig.....
Apparently, 30 mins before her performance, Britney had a major argument with her hair stylist who in the end decided was not going to do Britney's hair...
"I came down to do her hair but then decided not to!" thats what he said... SO poor old Britney did her wig up herself... In my opinion, a blind rat would have done a better job!
Now lets head into her dancing and her "LIP SINKING"!
She was clearly unprepared for the entire performance! I mean she didn't really know her steps. She was dancing like as though she had been deprived of food and water for a year! There was no expressions what so ever and she was not dancing... She was swaying and dying on stage.... And for her lip sinking.... Her mouth barely opened during the whole performance... She even FORGOT to lip sink a few lines! A complete disaster of a performance! You guys want to know the best part!!! It was the opening performance for the 2007 VMAs! Like What The Hell!!!
Well despite the fact that every Magazine in the world mostly like had an article on this issue, Britney Spears has proven that no matter what, she will always have her fans who will stand behind her... No matter how many times she drops her babies or how many times she forgets her panties... Take a look at this die hard Britney Spears Fan.
Yes people... I know... Like what the hell right...
Remember my post about our locally bred Talent Mr. Steven Lim... This dude is a Guru compared to Steven... Chris Crocker is his name.... Check out all his videos onyoutube.com
Click on this link to access all his weird ass videos.
Now that we are done with Britney Spears, Lets move along to our next Topic/Celebrity/Victim!
Vanessa Hudgens... Tsk Tsk Tsk!
This woman has been making a big BOOM on Headlines recently... With all kind of news... Well firstly, she was all over the place for her 'High School Musical' 1 & 2 Fame! That we all know... and maybe some of us knew her through her singing career... Or some of us read about her having a relationship with fellow 'High School Musical' Star Zac Efron... Which the two have been denying of course....... According to them, they are nothing more than friends and co-workers.... Or so they claim....
AWWWWW! Friends playing together! Building sand castles how sweet! Good way to tighten the bond of friendship don you think....
Oh what do we have here?
Holding hands and running in the beach... So sweet right.. making sure each and other don't fall!
And what do you know....
I'll let you decide la....
I am not stopping here though.... Now besides this issue... Apparently a lot of her private pictures have been leaked onto the internet... Some claim that they are party shots, some claim they were shots of her in her undies and some even claimed that they were NUDE!!!
Well.... there were a few party pictures....
There were more but I was simply lazy.... Well so I guess that is true....
How about those which were taken in her undergarments?
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Well, She agreed that these images are real and that they were taken for an ex-boyfriend... But whats the big fuss... I mean besides the fact that she is trying to pose like an underage porn star, its just like she is wearing a bikini like the images before right... So yeah....
Now that leaves us with the nude images... I honestly think this is so not true la... I mean why would anyone take naked pictures of themselves? Doesn't make any sense...
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I still don't think its true...
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What do you think?
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Well all I can say is...
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Well, Vanessa Hudgens has already made an apology for all her 'High School Musical' Fans and has said that she is embarassed about the whole situation!!!
Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
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What next..... You may ask... now that we are done with her... lets move along...
So you guys know that it was like fashion week in NY recently right? Well if you did not know shoot yourself.... I was googling about it when I found some very disturbing images of some models who were just way way waaaay too skinny to be true. I know not all of you may feel the same way I do but, just look at the images k....
Like my gosh..... these girls don't eat.... I mean even if they did, I think they'd have 3 meals a day which consists of 3 gulps of air for each meal! I mean look at them.... I know models are supposed to look skinny BUT HELLO!!!!
I mean these girls are like 5'11, 5'12.... which is like 178cm to like 180++cm and they weigh like 90-100 pounds.... meaning 45-50 kg!!! According to the chart these girls are like at least 30% underweight!!! I mean for crying out loud... a push and they would crumble!!!!
I am TSKing too much today....
Well now move along to randomness....
Have you guys noticed, I always have like a segment under randomness... I don't know why... am just into randomness i guess....
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The Boo!!!
Like totally DISHK! I mean like what the hell is the world coming too??? Like we don't have enough Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton wannabes.... Now we have to have a Nicole Richie Junior? Like can you image Nicole Richie being a MOTHER! I am even surprised that her pathetic puny frame could even carry 20 grams of anything!
I don't think this woman even knows that babies drink milk and not alcohol! Like someone should steal the baby and run away the second it born!!!!
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The Yay!!!
Guess who else is pregnant!
Like after 2 1/2 years of marriage she is finally ready to have a baby and is obviously already carrying one... but you know what the sucky part is? She hasn't announced it or even said a word about it to the press... She and her Music producer husband have been trying to keep this in super Hushed tones... I mean... she has been dressing in super loose outfits and has been out in pumps more than in heels.... But than again, trying to hide something that big... doesn't really work....
Can't wait to see what her kid looks like... and I bet she will be a gazillion times better at parenthood compared to Britney!!! and what Nicole Richie might be...
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Next Up on Randomnessssss!
OOpssyyy!!!! SO what do you think? Another break up???