Tuesday, March 25, 2008



Hello, my anonymous readers! My blog is officially dying!!! But than again, I don't care. Its almost a year old now and looking back, I have done some pretty good posts and a hell a lot of random ones. My blog has become this celebrity gossip page and that was soooooo not what I wanted when I welcomed it into the world. Such a tragic fate for such a young blog don't you think. Well, besides the fact that the semester has killed my brain cells and that I am sick to the bone, I still have to blog so that you guys won't come here and go, "OMG! SHE STILL HASN'T UPDATED!!!"
So, here you go. An Update of ranting! Happy?!!!!!

Right now on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say I am a 5 :(.... Thats super low compared to the general 11 I am always at. The reason??? Well I can think of at least 3 good ones! The first one would be that I am single and am sooooo not used to it. I can't even flirt anymore and that sucks! The second would be my stagnant weight which is being a bitch by not vacating! I am its like stuck! Stuck on by extra strong and extra firm super glue! Well this is what you get for stuffing your face with delicious carbs!!! And now, raw carrots seem to be the way to go!!! TSK! And the last reason, My freaking hair isn't growing. DISHK! I chopped it off because it become hay instead of being hair. I mean I used to dye my hair like every 78 seconds and as a result I had a dead fox on my head. I mean I'd sit in the train and twirl my hair and it will stay that way till I un-twirled it!!!!!! DISHK! And now that its healthy and thick and smooth and silky, ITS NOT GROWING!!!!!!! I was think about getting extensions, but seeing how disastrous my girls extensions turned out, I think I'll just stick with the baldness I am facing :)

I have an issue I wanna rant about now!!!!! YAY! Bitchy-ness has arrived people! There was the pair of sisters in my secondary school and they were a year apart la. And they had this best friend who was from my primary and secondary school as well.... K... I will name Sister 1(elder sister), Sister 2(younger sister) and Fugly(pri and sec schoolmate).


Ok, so the three of them are really gross la, Sister 1 is a moron who, thought she was the hottest thing alive but in the eyes of all those who were sober they saw a male wearing a wig. And as for Sister 2, she was a man who looked like a ball. And fugly was fugly la.... So these three idiots were extremely attention seeking and were spending their lives on IRC. You know those stupid and retarded people who found at least 60 boyfriends of IRC and than claim to b in love with all of them who they never met and than they proclaim that they go for the heart!!????!!!! Wow talking about it makes my blood pressure increase! And would you guys stop saying I go for the heart!!!! I mean you go for the character and personality. NOT THE HEART! Imagine you walk up to this guy and say, "Hey! Can I see your heart?" and then he twists his left nipple and his chest opens up and you go, "WOW! Nice heart! So bloody and red! And it has a nice beat too!" and than you decide to go for him. If murdering was legal, I would shot every do do who would have used the term "go for the heart". Dishk! IDIOTS!

OK, moving back to the 3 fucksketeers, yeah la so they were pretty much lunatical and delusional. Lets start with Sister 1 ok... So not only is she delusional, she is actually positively insane! I used to have her on my friendster account and deleted all three of them last year when I did some spring cleaning on my friends list. So when I used to have her on my list, I used to check out her profile and photos and I used to have like this laughing good time. Only cause her england was as powderful as a rat with no brains and her captions were pushing the truth way, way to far. They were like, "sweetzzzz girl!" or "heez heez! Lookzlikez Barbiez dollz!" and like, "hottiezz!" and this is one thing I never got, the 'zzzz' behind every word! I mean if its a trend and it helps you get hot mexican men let me know... I'llzstartz typingz likez thisz! Annoying isn't it. So, She used to send me messages on friendster and when ever she bumped into me, asking me where I bought my top from or bottom from.... and she'd actually go buy it!!! ARGH! Like its so disheartening to know that we belong in the same size category but my only console would be the fact that I am way hotter la! Yup so after I deleted her for my list, she tried re-adding me about 328728 times. And every time I rejected it. But she really has perseverance!!! Till today she is on my friend request list. Like I am sooo sick of cancelling it, so I just decided to let her rot there :) The same goes for Sister 2! But she sends me messages on friendster asking me to add her! I mean is it wrong that I chose not to add stupid girls into my account!?? And so what if I don't add them? MOVE ON! Its so annoying that they keep forcing me to add them. I mean with their typical Indian mentality, they'd sit in front of the comp and bitch about my photos! I mean friendster is for communication and staying in contact with friends! I don't wanna communicate have any contact with the Sisters from Jupiter! They are like aliens who don't know the meaning of NO! I DON'T WANNA ADD YOU SO GO AWAY! Yeah, so the other day I saw sister number 2 in causeway and I swear, for the first time in my life I was a little scared cause, she looks and behaves like an anjadi, and I was thinking she might come up to me and go, "Ayeeeee mayireee! Add panna sonna add panna maatiyaaaa!!!???" in direct translation, " Eh, pubic hair! Ask you to add cannot add is it!!!???" and then I had an Alley Mcbeil moment where as I saw her roll over me and I died. But that god for her fat invested eyeballs, she didn't see me. So I was blessed not to die and get buried as a pancake :) Wow! Imagine what they'd do to me after they read this! But then again, they wouldn't know that I am talking about them cause this post is in English. Unless they copy and paste this entire entry on a English to Tamil Translator la...

Well lets leave the Sisters behind and move to their friend, Fugly.

So Fugly was from my primary school as well and she was fugly even back then. So in secondary school, she used to come up to me every week just to tell me she's got a new boyfriend of IRC and that he is hot and punjabi! This is the thing I don't get! Whats sooo freaking great about punjabi men? No offence, I know some of you are handsome, But fair and long eyelashes just spell girly boy to me la. I find tall, dark and handsome appealing! So what ever she was trying to rub in my face, just didn't work! So there was this day when she claimed the dude came outside school with his car to pick her up and it was their first meeting. I am guessing he drove off immediately after seeing her la. So she asked me if I could give her my ZA powder cause she wanted to look pretty. Yes yes I brought my powder to school! I WAS VAIN OK! Still am though. Ya so I was a little hesitant cause I didn't want the ugly-ness to get on the sponge and said I didn't bring it. I walked to the drink stall and back and found her digging through my bag!!! I WOULD HAVE BURIED HER if I had a shuffle! Like hello!!!! I said I don't have it and besides, ZA powder is not going to help. You need a plastic sergeant and a team of 'fairy godmother' make up artists! I was fuming! And when I asked her what the hell she was doing, she was like, "Oh I need a pen". Like you don't have a pencil box. And why do you need a pen for? To redraw your face?!!!!! Annoying! So after that incident, we didn't really speak. Than one day she came up to me and went, "Hey are you related to XXXXX!" and I was like not really considered related but she is my cousin's cousin which makes her my, 2nd cousin. So technically related but family wise nope. And she was like, "OMG! I am related to XXXXX too!!! SO WE HAVE BEEN COUSINS ALL ALONG AND DIDN'T KNOW IT!!!" I died. Yeah I mean Fugly was XXXXXX's second cousin too... so that made us what? 4th cousins??? Stupid... In that case the whole world is related! And I was like, "NO la!!!!!".... after that conversation my life sucked! Being a blabber mouth that she is.... she started telling everyone that I was her bloody cousin! If I could have I would have killed myself!!!! I don't want to be your cousin and WE ARE NOT COUSINS YOU IDIOT! People marry into families and that doesn't make their entire ancestral herd your relatives too you moron! My god. People started asking me and I kept saying NO! And till today she hasn't stopped! Like if I bump into her outside with her ever changing boyfriends, She'd be like, "She is my cousin okay!!!" and I'll be like, "yeah right! No we aren't" and she'll laughing thinking it was a joke cause her brains don't digest and understand sarcasm! I mean it would be fine if she would say bye immediately after that but NO! She doesn't!!! She'll always ask me in front of her boyfriends, "How handsome or not?".... MY GOD!!! They were all as bad as rotting chicken meat and I had to go like, "Yeah. Not bad what." Imagine the torment! Of smelling shit and saying wow, it smells like roses and I am related to a monkey! AWESOME! Shoot me! How I wish Hitler was smarter in a sense that instead of killing millions of Jews, he had assassinated stupid people instead!!! TSK TSK TSK!!!!


Well I guess thats all I have to say for now. I found this video and want you guys to check it out! If it doesn't make you laugh, you deserve to be Fugly's relative :)


Alright, I have a podcast post coming up. Can't wait to get done with that!
Well till the next post


Posted by tornredqueen at 12:24 PM