Saturday, December 29, 2007


By now most of you would have heard about the assassination of Pakistan's former Prime Minister, Mrs Benazir Bhutto... She was shot on Thursday outside a gathering of a large crowd of her supporters. The killer was a suicide bomber as well... He blew himself up killing 14 others immediately after shooting Bhutto. Her death was not immediate. However, sources could not confirm if the wounds were caused by bullets or by bomb shrapnel.

So now, with that mentioned, What has become of our world. In 2007 alone there has been 110 suicide bombings and 2 students massacres... When did death and killing become appealing to humans? Since when has violence solved anything. Over the past decades, at least 50 politicians have been assassinated... I don't know about you, but I am over whelmed by the animal behavior that has dawned upon us in this age. In two nights, 2007 will pass us by. Most of us are planning a new years party, or are planning to club and get wasted. Now, I plan to pray. I plan to pray for those who have been killed this year. I plan to pray for a better tomorrow. Whether or not there is a god, a prayer gives hope to the weariest heart. Many of you may find this post unlike me... But there is only so much one can ignore.

Over the past years, there has been innocent beheading, hostage situations and even large exterminations. In the end of the day, nothing changed. The only thing that happened was, families lost a love one. How do these people go to bed at night? Don't they have families too? What ever happened to love? Instead of being thought to love, they are being thought to use guns and bombs... Lets not talk about 'them'... Even right here... Our little country... What so great about bringing someone down... What so great about hate?

The time you spend hating someone can actually be used in making a difference. Recently, Jeya was telling me this event that happened in some Indian dance show. Some guy was so over raged that his group did not win, he actually took a bottle and smashed it on the winning groups leader's head... And he ended up in hospital... So? Did that make his group win??? Is it that important to win a dance competition??? Pathetic isn't it?

Stupidity is in the blood of many these days and I blame the parents... I am sick and tired of all this crap about gang fights and stabbings... It is about time someone shuffs some working brain cells into these idiots heads...

Think about it... Think about them.... those we lost. Pray that it ends there. And hope that tomorrow will come a better day... God bless their souls and yours.

Too read about Benazir Bhutto's assassination
Click here.

Presidential Assassinations
Click here.

List of Assassinated Indian Politicians
Click here.

Till my next post


Posted by tornredqueen at 7:49 AM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


So, the time is 5.37 am and I just cannot seem to get my ass to sleep... And since Friendster and Facebook only gives you a small amount entertainment... I decided to come her and see where a post with utterly no aim can lead to... Up until now, I can tell that this post may lead now where... But than again, I might be able to whip something up, as I type here and search for interesting happenings in my other 5 taps... Well, I am heading off to Genting Highlands and Bintan for a week... And am leaving on Friday. For some reason, I am not looking forward to it... Being that I will miss the baby boy and that I need to kill Sugar...
(Sugar is a person)

Well, It is evident that I am confused and bored. So I am pretty much vomiting utter rubbish all over my page. How cool is that huh... Like i actually have my very own page... well i actually have 5.... but hey... I actually have a URL that is mineeeee!!!! And I have come to realise that you people enjoy reading celebrity bitchings.... Well guess what people!!!!!!

I have found you guys some bloody interesting celebrity gossips!!!!
(Can I get an accumulative YAY! for the ever accessible me!!!!)

Here we go...
(am not really in the mood of editing and posting pictures today... so I'll link you guys up to the websites!!!)



I mean is it even physically possible for her small frame to carry a baby?? She is pregnant or not????

Click Here



Well, recently Britney Spears has been like splashed all over every tabloid magazine you can find. And most of us would agree that all these articles were created by her... From the 55 hour marriage to her almost dropping her kid to shaving her head, whether she admits it or not, she has been calling the attention.. I mean we see images of her from taking a walk on the beach to walking into a toilet. This must obviously means that guys with cameras are stalking her every move... But you might think... So??? Its her problem... As much as I would like to say she deserves it... I think her life isn't much of a life.... Watch this 2 min video of her walking into Starbucks just to get coffee.... Sounds like nothing?? Watch!

Click here



We all know Donald Trump as the old guy who fires people on his Reality TV Series the apprentice... and we know him as the dude who has a beautiful wife half is age.... But Mr. Trump is now known as the man who likes good service and tips his waiters.... REALLY TIPS HIS WAITER!!! I AM TALKING $10,000!!!!

Click here



Being rich and famous is one thing... But being young, rich and famous is totally way off the charts... The successful Ashley Tinsdale who appeared in both high school musical movies and who released her debut album has put her money into good use.... With a very weird excuse...

Click Here





My hair stood after viewing these photos!!!! Check them out!!!

Click Here


Well I guess that's all I have time for... Will blog once I am back from my vacation...

Till my next post...


Posted by tornredqueen at 1:37 PM

Friday, December 7, 2007


I have no idea as to why I named this post Chi-ka-boom or why i haven't been blogging... Well maybe cause I don't really like blogging about my life... cause it is my life and only morons will spill their life out on a medium where practically anyone and everyone who has a computer in the world can get access too... This person once told me that even a photo is very personal... And I totally agree... despite the fact that me and the person don't talk anymore... well lets just say... Men are from Mars... And Martians are weird beings... Now with that said.....

I have actually been, searching the Internet trying to grab something that interests me... But guess what... the world has become a boring place... I mean besides the occasional mishaps like bombings, natural disasters, psycho celebrities and China winning Miss World... There is nothing that makes me go... wow!!!! I need to share this with the world...

But, well since I am queen... I always find my ways... and I have....

Now... this post officially begins....



Well the recent hype in fashion has led me into a state of confusion.... The little Miss T-shirts... I mean people actually find them cute... On the other hand I find it a huge fashion mishap... Well for those of you who own a little miss trashy t-shirt.... fret not... I will make you feel better about wearing such annoying and act cute t-shirts....


You know how???


Celebrities are wearing them too!!!! YAY!!!! Now you guys have pretend that these t-shirts are a fashion statement cause someone who has millions in the bank is wearing the same ugly thing....!!!! HIP HIP HOORAYYYY!!!!

Well... you'll find out at the end of the post.... HAH!!!


Moving along!!!!



Well, by now I am guessing that most of you know that I am doing graphic design in Lasalle... Which means my life revolves around the Adobe family.... Well recently I found amazing brush sets which I just had to download... They were... eye make up sets.. like shadow gradients and lashes and even a few liners... But of course, the colours and paintings skills are up to you la... So I just had to get right to it... And that's how I came up with my celebrity makeover... Before and After!!! The after is done by me of course....


Well here we go....








Yup.... I had a blast doing this I tell you... and now I sound all computer geek-ish!!! And I have learnt that red lipstick is the bomb!!!!!!

Celebrity images are from
Photoshop brush sets can be downloaded from


Moving Along!!!



Well recently a hand full of celebrities have been going a little cukoo crazy... And like I find it terribly disturbing that being filthy rich drives people insane.... That contradicts my mindset to get rich.... Will I walk into a salon and shave my head when I earn my first million or will I stop buying panties cause I have too much money and would rather spend them on diamonds... Well... what ever money can do to you... just pray you don't end up like these girls....


Yup.... somethings... just cannot be explained...


Shitney Spears Celebrates her 26th birthday!

I mean I never knew that if you owned a million bucks... you get so excited when its your birthday!!!

Be careful britney..... Don't burn your wig now...


Moving along...


MISS WORLD 2007!!!

No don't worry... I am not going to remind you about the shitty pageant that went on this year... and no I am not going to talk about the pathetic winner either.... Well we are so used to seeing Chinese women represent Singapore in these international beauty pageants like, Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Earth... I mean... i know that Chinese is the predominant race in Singapore... But I am sure that there are equally or if not more beautiful Indian and Malay girls who would do alot better in these pageants.... Over the years... Singapore has been represented by Chinese women... How on earth is the world suppose to know that we are a multi-racial society if any international coverage of our country is showcased on the same kind of girls... Well... Fret not!!! Cause for the past two years Singapore has not sent Chinese women for the Miss World pageants... Believe it or not... They were ethnic with a Indian blood... And in my opinion they are gorgeous.... And before you get judgemental, I am not racist.... I just think that we have gorgeous women in Singapore in every shade of colour!!! Well people... time for you guys to meet, our gorgeous... Miss World Singapore 2007 and 2006!!!!




Well, now you know....

For Colleen Francisca's Images go to



Well I left you guys at, who is wearing it....




Whats a post without random-ness....Chirstina Aquilera is the hottest mom alive!!!!



Well, thats all I have for today...

Till my next post...


Posted by tornredqueen at 6:08 AM